The next month will show small pieces of me and Zoras preparation for Feb.'s premier of this years ocean in my bones.
Under an Oaktree in Alabama
This is where my script is initially memorized. I sit with nature., recline on a root raised from the ground, and think of how many generations have been given shade by this mighty oak. Under this tree it begins In the middle of the Day Africatown is silent. I listen for the voices from times past and imagine them sitting under this same tree.
Glele refereed to as the feared Lion in the Bush is the West African Chiefdom who's Dahomey Warriors have struck fear in the hearts of the Europeans and were responsible for ransacking surroundings villages for captives to enrich his throne. It's this under his shadow I prepare my delivery to the onlookers who attend the play this year. It is my job to be Glele, to display his royalty, strength, intelligence, and authority.
Embark upon a robust journey filled with culture and the power ful history of the Benin rulers.